Education & Opportunities

Education & Opportunities

Member Education & Opportunities Committee

 Chair: Annelise Appleseth,, (651) 497-7827

Members: Maguire Price, Mindy Suszan, Ali Telatnik, Lisa Mays, Elle Morrison

Clinic photos above were provided by Liz Lacroix Fine Art Photography

Education and Opportunity Programs

This committee is responsible for implementing and managing a number of programs that are integral to the SNHSA organization. Please be aware that in addition to the general eligibility requirements and rules stated below, all programs follow SNHSA’s rules and bylaws.

USHJA Affiliate Association

SNHSA is an Affiliate Associate of USHJA. Through this membership, SNHSA is supported with quality educational and competitive programs aimed at developing cohesion among the various tiers of the hunter/jumper industry for the benefit of our sport.

USHJA Outreach Program

USHJA offers Outreach Program members opportunities to earn year-end awards as well as opportunity to enter the National Championship competition. Beginning in the early 2022 show season, SNHSA became a participating organization in the Program. Read more about the Outreach Program below.

USHJA National Championship Invitation

Each year, USHJA Affiliate organizations are invited to select three riders for each Affiliate section of the USHJA National Championships that will take place Nov. 13-19, 2023, during The Las Vegas National, CSI4*-W, at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa. Riders and horses from across the nation will be competing during the national competition. As an Affiliate organization, SNHSA is able to participate in this amazing opportunity that might not otherwise be available.

With 16 Affiliate sections offered this year, SNHSA will choose its most qualified horse and rider combinations for each division.

The Championships will include the USHJA Affiliate Championships for Junior and Adult Amateur riders in 3 disciplines and 16 sections, along with many other National Hunter and Jumper Championships. Three rider/horse combinations will be chosen for each section. In order of preference, the #1 rider is guaranteed a spot in the section competition. Riders #2 and #3 are not guaranteed entry as only 30 entries are accepted per section.

SNHSA is seeking scholarship support from sponsors to assist riders in attending the national competition. Please see the information on the Sponsorship Page regarding ways your support can help riders attend this prestigious event.

Equitation Excellence Awards

Equitation Excellence juniorsEquitation Excellence Amateurs

Top Junior and Adult Equitation Excellence riders
Top Junior and Adult Equitation Excellence riders

SNHSA promotes “Excellence in Equitation” by recognizing the accomplishment of riders competing at SNHSA sanctioned competitions. SNHSA/USHJA Equitation Awards are given to the top six junior and amateur riders based on their cumulative competition-year points earned in SNSHA-sanctioned equitation divisions.

In order for competition-year points to count for this award, junior and amateur riders must be a member of SNHSA in good standing.

Junior and adult amateur riders must be present at the Year-End Awards event in order to receive their awards.

Member Benefits Program

The Member Education & Opportunities Committee supports the Vision, Mission, Sportsman’s Charter and Core Values of Sierra Nevada Horse Show Association, as adopted from United States Equestrian. Amateurs, Amateur/Owners, Juniors and Advocate members are an integral part of this committee and its associated programs. Our goal is to educate the equestrian community and support grassroots efforts to elevate our support for generations to come.

The Member Benefits Program offers several educational clinics for the 2023 season. See the current season's programs below.

USHJA logo


Tentative dates are Nov. 10-16, 2025 in Las Vegas, NV at the Southpoint Hotel, Casino & Spa

2024 USHJA Affiliate National Championship Specs


2025 SNHSA Declaration of Intent pdf form

2025 FAQ and what to expect

FILLABLE SNHSA Declaration of Intent Form (save it to device, fill in information, save, then email to

Online SNHSA Declaration of Intent Form (Payment is through PayPal with 4% convenience fee)

USHJA Outreach Program

SNHSA participates in the USHJA Outreach Program, starting early in the 2022 show season with the June 11 Brownlee Equestrian horse show. USHJA recognizes SNHSA local shows and points from SNHSA shows accrue in their Outreach Program point system.

Each Zone (we are Zone 10) will offer year-end awards at Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. Points accrue for USHJA Outreach in Equitation, Hunter and Jumper divisions, as follows. Note that this is a different point system than the SNHSA points system and will not affect SNHSA year-end points or awards.

1st place – 10 points, 2nd place – 6 points, 3rd place – 4 points, 4th place – 2 points, 5th place – 1 point, 6th place – ½ point

What you should do to participate in the USHJA Outreach Program:

  1. Compete in classes at local SNHSA shows.
  2. Become an Outreach member (or higher) on or before the first day of competition to accrue rider points. Membership is free. See links below
  3. Register your horse with USHJA for points to be tracked. To become a member of the Outreach Program, Horse Registration is $20 for an Annual Recording, or $75 for a Lifetime Recording. See links below.

All riders who have achieved 50 or more cumulative points will receive an email mid-January that has a link and will allow them to pick from ribbon, medallion, swag, or logowear for each medal level. There are different prizes for each level.

Any rider/horse with 100 or more points would be considered a Gold Level rider; Silver Level riders achieve 75-99 points, and Bronze Level riders achieve 50-74 points during the competition year. See the Zone 10 final list on the USHJA website.

SNHSA members should remember to sign up or renew their membership for the 2024 competition year. Remember, Outreach membership is free!

2023 USHJA Outreach Program Final Results for Zone 10
USHJA Membership Link  (seek Outreach Membership)
USHJA Horse Registration Link (not required for Outreach membership)

For more information, go to these links:

Watch this video to learn about the Outreach Program Outreach March on Vimeo

USHJA Outreach Program Rewards and Awards
USHJA Competition - Outreach
USHJA Outreach Competition Standings
(look for Zone 10)
USHJA 2024 Outreach Competition Program Calendar
(all Brookside Show Park and Let's Show events are included in USHJA Outreach Programs)
Golden Backstage Pass toward Nationals

If you have questions, please reach out to Annelise Appleseth, Member Education & Opportunities Committee chair, at or 651-497-7827.

Member Benefits Program

2025 SNHSA Volunteer Report Form 

Many volunteer efforts qualify for volunteering, just ask a board member what we need help with. You can accrue hours in fifteen-minute increments. If you have chosen to write a letter to a sponsor, please hand the letter to Annelise to send out. Two letters count for 15 minutes and a maximum of six letters can be sent per member.

2025 Member Education Clinics:

Bernie Traurig clinic flyerMar. 14-16 Bernie Traurig Clinic, hosted by Balance Point Training, 2955 Rhodes Rd., Reno, NV 89521

Bernie Traurig of will be leading riders through a two-day progressive clinic that will cover all jumping disciplines from Novice to Advanced and all heights.

On Saturday evening, dinner will feature an unmounted session with Bernie, and auditors are also welcome. Additionally, Bernie will offer 6 semi-private lessons on Friday.

The clinic is limited to 12 riders on Friday and 20 more riders for the 2-day clinic. Registration requires a 50% deposit. First served riders are those who have pre-paid and submitted their forms or registered online, in order of registration date.

Session levels and times will be based upon the number of participants within each jumping height group.

Four fence height groups:    2’3”-2'6"     2’6”-2’9”     3’0”-3’3”      3’6”& over

This clinic is for SNHSA members only. Members can renew their 2025 membership at on the membership page, Membership – Sierra Nevada Horse Show Association.

Special Pricing available for SNHSA members only (each mounted and audit registration includes one dinner ticket)

  • $450 for Saturday and Sunday
  • $600 for 3 days (with a semi-private lesson on Friday)
  • $100 Audit fee for 2-3 days
  • $60 Audit fee for a single day
  • $25 for Extra Dinner tickets

3 ways to pay & register: (Reserve your spot soon)
1. MAIL form and check payment to:
SNHSA, P.O. Box 19622, Reno, NV 89511

2. EMAIL form to and pay by Zelle using this email contact:

3. Register online:

Clinic questions? Call Annelise Appleseth (651) 497-7827 or Susan Howe (775) 750-6475 or email

Contact Juci Somogyi directly: (775) 233-6274

Select stalls and pasture available at Rosemary Meadows
Call Sierra Geisler (310) 882-9613

Bernie Traurig Clinic Flyer

PDF Clinic Registration form

FILLABLE Clinic Registration form (save to desktop, fill in, save, then email form)

Online Registration available:

**Remember, 50% deposit due by Mar. 1 but space is limited**

2024 member education clinics:
lunch and learn bridle fitting flyerMay 26 Lunch and Learn Clinic: Bitting and Bridle Fitting with Kelli Jackson, Moody Mares Bridle and Boutique
Hosted by Pair of Aces Stables at The Historic Silver Circle Ranch, 3400 Holcomb Ranch Lane, Reno, 89511

Watch a live bitting and bridle fitting, then enjoy the SNHSA hosted lunch and Q&A session. The clinic is FREE for SNHSA members; $15 for other participants. The live fitting lasts 60-90 minutes and lunch will immediately follow.

RSVP to Liz Reader at

See Lunch & Learn Clinic Flyer

More information available: Moody Mare Bridle and Boutique


Hope Glynn clinic flyerJune 12-13 Hope Glynn Derby Clinic
Hosted at Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility, 4200 Old US Hwy. 395 N. Washoe Valley, 89704

Have you ever wanted to practice on the grass field at Franktown Meadows? Now is your chance to learn everything “Derby” from one of the best in the industry, Hope Glynn. Join us for 2 days of education and instruction for riders from the 2’ to over 3’6”.

SNHSA member and non-member pricing for mounted rides and audits for single day or both days.

See Derby Clinic Flyer
PDF Registration Form
FILLABLE pdf Registration Form (save to desktop, fill out, save, then email to Complete registration by Zelle payment

Online Registration Form
If registering online, complete registration by signing the Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility Waiver & Release form PRIOR TO ARRIVAL to clinic.

pdf Franktown Meadows Waiver & Release form
FILLABLE pdf Franktown Meadows Waiver & Release form (save to desktop, fill in, save, then email to


Lisa showing students how to braid
Lisa Mays shows students how to braid a mane.
student practices braiding
A student practices the braiding technique for the horse's mane