Board of Directors

Board of Directors

2024 SNHSA Board

The SNHSA officers and directors serve to effectively accomplish the duties and goals of the association. Directors are required to attend all board meetings, chair or belong to a committee, and steward at least one show annually.
2024 SNHSA Board of Directors
2024 SNHSA Board of Directors, front row from left: Lynne MacLean, Kristin Henry, Liz Lacroix, Susan Howe, Ali Telatnik and Annelise Appleseth;
back row: Liz Reader, Kim Pickel, Mindy Suszan, Lisa Mays, Jacki Dunt, and Maguire Price.
Liz Reader photo

Liz Reader

Competition Standards & Structure Chair
President 2019 to present
Board Member since 2015

Liz has been a SNHSA Board member since 2015, and has been President for the past five years. As president, her goals are to ensure that SNHSA is able to continue their history of facilitating high quality local competitions for horses and riders. Read more>>

Annelise Appleseth

Annelise Appleseth

Member Education & Opportunities Chair
Vice President and Board Member since 2019

Annelise is the owner and trainer at AJA Equine. She had a passion for horses from a young age, and has built a successful career in the Equestrian community with her caring and nurturing approach teaching riders and horses of all ages. Read more>>

S Howe photo

Susan Howe

Member Communications & Outreach Chair
Secretary and Board Member
since 2012
Treasurer 2023

Susan has been the Secretary on the SNHSA Board since 2012. “I joined the Board as a mother of an equestrian daughter, Nicole, to represent her and her barn, Big Air, now known as Balance Point Training. "I joined, thinking I would help on the Points Committee, then I became more involved, first working on the newsletter, then as Secretary and I never left.” Beginning in 2023, Susan also serves as Treasurer. Read more>>

Lisa Mays

Lisa Mays

Board Member since 2020

Lisa joined the SNHSA Board in 2019 and was the Treasurer from 2021 through 2022. Lisa’s goals are to assist with the promotion of quality, local Hunter/Jumper shows that engage horse enthusiasts of all ages. She hopes to make a positive difference! Read more>>

Jaclyn Dunt

Jaclyn Dunt

Funding & Sponsorship Chair
Board Member since 2021

Jacki joined the SNHSA Board in 2021 and rides at Breakaway Farms. Originally from Reno, she recently moved back after living in Santa Barbara for seven years. Read more>>

Maguire Price

Maguire Price

Board Member since 2020

Maguire Price (Lessard) has been a board member since 2020. She grew up in Grass Valley, CA and moved to Nevada 11 years ago with her family. She now resides in Gardnerville. Read more>>

Lynne MacLean

Lynne MacLean

Founding Board Member

Lynne is SNHSA’s longest serving board member. She was a board member with its founding members, Lynn Lloyd and Laurie Alden Africa.  Beginning 2024, Lynne will transition to the Emeritus board position.  She is motivated to stay involved with the organization to ensure SNHSA’s mission and vision continue to align with the national standards of the sport’s governing bodies. Read more>>

Liz Lacroix

Liz Lacroix

Awards & Recognition Chair
Board Member since 2019

Liz has been a SNHSA Board member since 2019. Her goals include creating a welcoming environment for new members. As a Marine Corps veteran, she feels her leadership skills and ability to problem-solve come in handy as she serves on the boards. Read more>>

Mindy Suszan

Board Member 2024

Mindy Suszan is a new Board member beginning in 2024. She is enjoying her first couple of months with the Board and her immediate goals were helping with the year-end awards banquet, but for long-term goals, “I hope to foster collaborative resources, clinics and culture among our barns and organizations within SNHSA.” Read more>>

Ali Telatnik

Ali Telatnik

Board Member 2024

As a first-year board member, Ali hopes to foster a learning mindset for all our members by offering quality clinicians, both mounted and in the classroom. I also hope to create a quality, inclusive show culture here in the Reno area. Read more>>

2024 SNHSA Board of Directors Contact information

Board member and position: Committees: Contact information:
Officers: Liz Reader
  • Awards and Recognition
  • Competition Standards and Structure
(775) 220-2270
[email protected]
Annelise Appleseth
1st Vice President
  • Competition Standards and Structure
  • Member Education and Opportunities
(651) 497-7827
[email protected]
Susan Howe
  • Awards and Recognition
  • Member Communications & Outreach
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship
(775) 750-6475
[email protected]
Emeritus: Lynne MacLean
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship
  • Competition Standards and Structure
(775) 722-4261
[email protected]
Members at Large: Elizabeth Lacroix
  • Member Communications & Outreach
  • Awards and Recognition
(775) 781-9617
[email protected]
Lisa Mays
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship
  • Awards and Recognition
(775) 745-0840
[email protected]
Maguire Price
  • Member Communications & Outreach
  • Member Education and Opportunities
(530) 277-4209
[email protected]
Jacki Dunt
  • Fundraising & Sponsorship
  • Member Communications & Outreach
(775) 750-3838
[email protected]
Ali Telatnik
  • Member Education and Opportunities
  • Competition Standards and Structure
(425) 241-1410
[email protected]
Mindy Suszan
  • Member Education and Opportunities
  • Member Communications & Outreach
(775) 232-4235
[email protected]
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2024 SNHSA Committee Chairs and Members

Committee: Chair: Committee Members:
Awards and Recognition Elizabeth Lacroix Susan Howe, Liz Reader, Lisa Mays
Fundraising and Sponsorship Jacki Dunt Lynne MacLean, Susan Howe
Competition Standards and Structure Liz Reader Lynne MacLean, Annelise Appleseth, Ali Telatnik
Member Education and Opportunities Annelise Appleseth Maguire Price, Ali Telatnik, Lisa Mays, Mindy Suszan
Member Communications and Outreach Susan Howe Liz Lacroix, Maguire Price, Jacki Dunt, Mindy Suszan
Download 2024 Board of Directors Contact Information and committees (PDF)
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Interested in joining the SNHSA Board of Directors?

Persons interested in joining the SNHSA Board should fill out the Board of Directors Application Form, refer to the Rulebook, and contact a current Board member to learn more.

Download the Director Application Form (PDF)
Download FILLABLE Board of Directors Application Form (save, type in, email to secretary)