


SNHSA memberships and horse registrations expire after the last show of the show season each year and begin Feb. 1 of the show season. Please take a moment to renew your membership and register any horses you wish to be eligible for points. Horses and ponies must be registered with SNHSA to be eligible for year-end points in hunter and jumper divisions, as well as other bonus programs offered by SNSHA.  For equitation divisions and medals, a rider may compete on any horse/pony, whether registered or not. However, to be eligible to compete in any SNHSA medal, the trainer must be a current SNHSA member. Membership is effective when a correct and complete application with proper fees is received.

The Liability and Photo Release signature is required as well as junior member birthdates.

3 methods to pay for memberships:

Don't forget to join USHJA's Outreach Program, too! IT'S FREE!

In 2022, SNHSA, as a USHJA Affiliate organization, was invited to join the USHJA Competition Outreach Program to earn points toward year-end rewards and awards, and to earn the chance to participate in the prestigious USHJA National Championships. SNHSA will participate in the program in 2024. It's easy to do: sign up for Outreach membership for free, attend local SNHSA shows as well as other USHJA branded shows to earn points toward Outreach Competition. The following are important links to get you started:

2025 SNHSA Members