SNHSA Board-Mindy Suszan

Board Member 2024

Mindy Suszan is a new Board member beginning in 2024. She is enjoying her first couple of months with the Board and her immediate goals were helping with the year-end awards banquet, but for long-term goals, “I hope to foster collaborative resources, clinics and culture among our barns and organizations within SNHSA.”

Mindy has a Bachelor of Science in Education (Geography and Spanish), from Central Michigan University, and earned a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, at Norwich University, VT.

“I grew up in Michigan but have moved and travelled extensively as both my late husband and I were Naval officers. I met my husband while working at Naval Air Station Fallon and brought my two girls back to settle in Reno permanently in 2008. We have been here happily ever since.”

Her love of horses began when she was four. “My Uncle Bob would put me on his polo pony and walk me around our neighborhood.” There are too many equestrian memories to count, but “riding in the fields with my Uncle Bob when I would be home from college,” stands out, she says.

Mindy’s professional employment has been busy and successful. “In 2021 as a retired Naval Officer, I successfully field-tested and delivered a precise geo-location tool to US Special Forces. During this year, I was largely supported by US Air Force for work with US Forces and multi-national Coalition Partners.”

Although she continued as a contractor for the US Navy at NAS Fallon since 2011 (12 years), she is currently planning and looking forward to retirement in May 2024. She’s just beginning to discover all the possibilities, and she says she is very happy to be a new member to the SNHSA Board! SNHSA is happy and lucky to accept her assistance!