For those who use this form to pay online, one more step must be done before your registration is complete. The Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility requires a separate Waiver and Release form. Please download, fill it out and sign and date the form, then send it by email to [email protected]
Franktown Meadows Waiver and Release Form
FILLABLE Franktown Meadows Waiver and Release Form
2024 SNHSA Hope Glynn Derby Clinic
This form is to register for the Wednesday and Thursday, June 12-13, Hope Glynn Derby Clinic that will be hosted by Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility on their grass fields. Session levels and times will be based upon the number of participants and their jumping heights. Choose between 2′ to 3’6″ heights. The clinic is intended to provide riders/auditors two days of education and instruction.